Collaboration & partnerships

Collaboration, partnerships and grants are part of our business model.

Freeline collaborates successfully with highly innovative clinicians, researchers and companies globally. We value the opportunities these partnerships bring, and we are open to a broad range of partnership models.

We are committed to innovation and fostering strong partnerships to change the lives of people living with inherited, systemic debilitating diseases. These are some of the partnership models we are currently pursuing:

  • We seek to further science through partnerships with researchers and clinicians at universities and institutes globally. We work flexibly, and we are open to different types of collaborations such as joint grant applications, sponsorship of research and collaborating on clinical studies.
  • We are seeking partnerships with other industry stakeholders, such as payers and our peers and competitors in the biopharmaceutical industry.
  • We are very interested in working with patients, patient organisations, and other interested parties to accelerate our science and integrate patient perspectives into our therapies.